07 May

You may have been wondering if I decided to hibernate for the winter as I haven’t posted a blog since January! I’m so sorry. I’m taking some courses, and the winter session was pretty hectic.

How was your winter? I think as far as Cold Lake winter’s go, we were VERY blessed! It seemslike that may have been one of the shortest winters in my memory! But as many of you are probably thinking that although we enjoyed the short winter and almost non-existent spring – we need some moisture. Badly. I was thinking about this and as we plan our gardens and flowers for our surroundings we may just stick with succulents and low maintenance flowers this year to lower our water consumption. Planting a veggie garden for us is a must and we are fortunate enough to have the space and ability to still do this. We are looking at alternate sources of water. For example, we have a slew on our land that we might tap into to supplement our watering. If you are a gardener, you may consider ways to do your bit as well. Every little bit helps.

I hope you are finding some time to get outside now that it has warmed up a bit. There is nothing quite as refreshing as a stroll outside after being inside all winter. If you can’t get outside – belike a cat and find some sunshine to sit in!

I always think of May as sunshine and new flowers and bees and robins and all kinds of life returning; it’s such a wonderful time of year to celebrate the wonders of life.

One of our days to celebrate in May is Mother’s Day. We would have no life but for the mother’s that brought us into this world, those that nourished us, taught us, directed us and loved us. Don’t forget to remember the “Moms” in your life this May. And if you’re a mom – pat yourself on the back! You have done an extraordinary job! 

I hope that you are all doing well and are enjoying a little “spring” in your step as we head in to summer. Be kind and patient with yourself and those around you. It seems our old world needs a little bit more of those things these days.

 Remember – you are loved!

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