Alberta Blue Cross (ABC) has implemented a new initiative called the Client Directed Home Care Invoicing program (CDHCI). The CDHCI program increases options available to clients to receive in-home support services.  AFCL is excited to announce that we are an approved agency to provide services to eligible clients.  Seniors can now hire private healthcare workers from Age Friendly Cold Lake for home supports such as respite care, housekeeping, meal preparation and personal services.  AFCL will work directly with ABC for reimbursement of approved expenses which will allow AFCL to continue to provide quality services to seniors at no charge.

 Program Information:

Who is eligible for the CDHCI services and how do you access the services?

i. You must be an Alberta resident with a valid health care card. 

ii. Your needs can be safely met in your home. 

iii. You meet the requirements determined by an Alberta Health Services case manager. 

iv. Alberta Blue Cross will determine the numbers of hours you will be approved for through your service provider.

How do you get started with the CDHCI program?

Contact your current AHS Case Manager to discuss your eligibility for the CDHCI program, or contact the AHS Community Home Care Intake line to self refer to the program.  They will organize a Case Manager to come to your house to complete an assessment of your needs and develop a Service Care Plan outlining the approved hours and maximum care you’ve been approved each month.  If you currently do not receive Home Care, you can call 811 to be connected to a home care office for further information.

Sign the necessary documents: Sign the Consent to Disclose Information form and the Letter of Agreement, which outlines the terms and responsibilities of the CDHCI program.  Your case manager will provide you with these forms. 

Choose a Care Provider Agency: Select your preferred provider from the approved private vendors list provided by Alberta Blue Cross.  

Age Friendly Cold Lake is an approved provider.

Approval from Blue Cross: Age Friendly Cold Lake requires a letter of approval from ABC. Once we have a copy of approval our team of dedicated and passionate service providers will create and care plan that meets your needs.  AFCL will manage all the administrative and billing responsibilities, so you don’t have to. 

Direct your care: Work with your chosen Care Provider Agency to schedule your services and build an individualized care plan for the staff providing your care.